Yael Efrati
Morning mess
Yael Efrati, Morning Mess, 2017, 260 x 465 x 100 cm, ed.1/5
Morning mess
1/5 + 2AP
Mixed media

“My work lies between photography and sculpture. It obviously resembles sculpture, but it is closer conceptually to photography. I refer to it as “Documentary Sculptures”. Every work begins with a photograph. As such, the works always stem from reality, form the existing. It is neither fictional nor the personal expression of an “inner artistic voice”. In other words, my work does not send the viewer into a different world but rather wishes to share its time and space with the viewer. The photograph is the cropped and rebuilt using “real” materials. Consequently, the works seem to duplicate existing objects. Moreover, and most importantly: halting, focusing on a manner and insisting on producing simple day to day occurrences, braking time for their realization creates a state of an alert pause. 

The works function as images, cropped photographs. It is important for me that the works are human size, they are not monumental, they serve as 1:1 real size images. 

They function and investigations of material, visual, and conceptual transition from two-dimensionality to three-dimensionality, between photography and sculpture, matter and concept, image and form; a sculpture being a photograph and a photograph a sculpture”

Yael Efrati.