Miki Krastman
Anti Mapping
Series Items
Anti Mapping
1/5 (+2AP)
Digital Print

Anti-Mapping is an ongoing project with the aim to continuously map and produce geographical documentation as alternatives to the maps presented by the establishment, and thus bypassing the different restrictions of visibility enforced by the Israeli government. For example, while worldwide aerial photography is available to the public at a resolution of 0.5m/pixel, in Israel the resolution is restricted to 2.5m/pixel. Anti-Mapping offers a counter-visual that lets us see as a concept of “The Right to See”, as a human right to achieve. 

By using drone photography and photogrammetry
techniques, we are able to accomplish a resolution of 1cm/pixel. 

Through the tool of aerial photography, made from the bottom-up, the project enables the reappearance of those absent geographies. Those are the geographies of the victim, the ones no longer there. Out actions can be limited to a single pointing at the emptiness, in to order the represent those absent. The aerial photography techniques are used merely as the vehicle and testing ground for their strategies of representation.