Eli Petel
Torah Scroll
Eli Petel, Torah scroll, 2020, light box, 124 x 79 x 15cm, ed.1/3
Torah Scroll
1/3 + 1 AP
Light box

The show features Fatal’s studio grate twice: closed and open. The work Torah Scroll presents the closed mode, in which the grating is “filled” with light, which refracts into the three primary colors: blue, red, and yellow. The grate’s coiling into itself creates another refraction of light, resulting in three complementary colors: orange, green, and purple. The work addresses color theory and optics—the physical discipline that investigates the properties and behavior of light, and its interrelations with matter. Matter in this case is the grate, which becomes a conduit for light, and the eye is trapped within the resulting geometric structures and optical illusions. The work is installed inside a cabinet which simulates a holy ark, shining from within it, proposing to expose the sacred within the profane.