Chen Cohen
How to die beautifully
Series Items
How to die beautifully
Series of 11 mixed media, inkjet prints

״Cohen […] performs in front of constantly open cameras, attentive to the possibility of creating an image, a lasting image, which is independent of the original action documented. Yet, the constant video documentation of her actions is neither treated as raw material, nor as found matter from which artworks are then made – it is the life of the artist, a life that moves sharply towards an image as its sole remainder, nothing else. Image, for Cohen, is something one leaves behind, knowing that this trace should be superior, in form and meaning, to anything that has led to its creation, more beautiful than the life that preceded it. She wants to be prepared for when they find her body, and therefore, the image of being dead is a hundredfold more important than the question “when to die”: hence, death is a matter of location rather than timing.״

Noam Gal: “Chen Cohen: How to Die Beautiful”in: Chen Cohen How to Die Beautiful, The ceneter for Contemporary Art, Tel Aviv, 2021, pg. 89.